What would you do if your dream home became a living nightmare? Horror at the Hacienda is a multi-series documentary that delves into the unsettling and unexplainable events a family has experienced since moving into their seemingly perfect home. From strange noises to shadowy figures, each episode takes viewers deeper into the mystery, unraveling terrifying encounters and moments that defy logic.

As the story unfolds, the family faces an eerie question: What if some things were never meant to be uncovered?


From strange noises and flickering lights to ghostly apparitions that defy logic, each episode dives deeper into the mysteries hidden within the walls of the Hacienda. As the family documents their encounters, they uncover that some things are better left untouched. With the help of Flynn Stone Productions and Semper Fi Design, this project brings to life a tale that walks the razor’s edge between reality and the supernatural.

Will they make it through the other side with their sanity intact—or has something in the house already taken root?

What to Expect

  • First-hand paranormal encounters: Unfiltered footage capturing real-time supernatural events.
  • Emotional storytelling: A look into how these experiences impact family life and mental well-being.
  • Cinematic suspense: Expertly produced by Flynn Stone Productions to keep viewers on the edge of their seats.
  • Interactive engagement: Follow along for exclusive behind-the-scenes clips on TikTok and stay connected with the growing community.


horror house

Join Us for the Journey

This documentary is not just about ghosts; it’s about confronting the unknown. Whether you’re a skeptic or a believer, Horror at the Hacienda will leave you questioning what you think you know about reality. 


Prepare yourself—because in the Hacienda, some things refuse to stay in the past.


Prepare yourself—because in the Hacienda, some things refuse to stay in the past.


Coming Soon.